Next Friday (27) happens the traditional Black Friday. Date on which store owners lower the prices of their products in a big sale, both online and in physical stores.
Whenever the date approaches, along with it, the same questions arise: Are Black Friday prices lower during the night? According to a survey by Cuponomia, 22% of Brazilians stay up late at night so as not to miss the date’s super offers.
However, it is all a myth. There is no data to show that stores lower prices more during the night. What happens is that the products with the highest discount usually have limited stock, which makes them run out faster. Therefore, people look for it in the first hours of promotion.

Friday morning is when stores release most of the discounts and when there are still a lot of products in stock. Usually, the stock of items that are in high demand and are cost-effective tends to sell out quickly, so many consumers go online during the night to take advantage of offers.
In addition, people looking for deals at dawn are usually looking for very competitive products or services, which can end quickly. Therefore, although it is a myth that the price of a particular item will be lower after midnight, it may be good to go online during this period if you are looking for a disputed product or with a very good discount.