“It’s past time to act” on immigration, says Biden during trip to Texas

United States immigration and asylum authorities “desperately need more resources”, said President Joe Biden during a speech at the US-Mexico border this Thursday (29), adding that “it is past time to act” in reforming the immigration issue.

“We cannot wait any longer”, he warned, highlighting that “it is time to move forward and provide significantly more agents and capabilities”.

He stressed that the country also needs more immigration judges to resolve the backlog of asylum cases.

At another point in the speech, he invited his main opponent, Donald Trump, to join him in finding a solution to the immigration problem in the United States.

“So here’s what I would say to Mr. Trump. Establish a planned policy position rather than telling members of Congress to block this legislation,” he pointed out.

As a result, a bipartisan agreement on the border appeared to be a promising path before Trump spoke out against it, in an apparent effort to use immigration as a “weapon” against Biden in the presidential campaign.

“Join me, or I will join you, in telling Congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill,” Biden urged, addressing Trump directly.

“We can do this together,” he added.

Biden and Trump crossed the border and made comments almost simultaneously, about 300 miles apart, in south Texas, on Thursday (29).