Michelle Obama made it public her opinion about President Donald Trump and his administration for refusing to start the transition to the Biden-Harris administration because some things are ‘bigger than anybody’s ego.’
This Monday (16), the former fisrt lady posted on her social media ‘Donald Trump had spread racist lies about my husband that had put my family in danger. That wasn’t something I was ready to forgive,’ the former first lady wrote in an Instagram post Monday. ‘But I knew that, for the sake of our country, I had to find the strength and maturity to put my anger aside.’
Michelle said that compelled her to reach out to incoming first lady Melania Trump and walk her through what the position entailed. ‘So I welcomed Melania Trump into the White House and talked with her about my experience, answering every question she had – from the heightened scrutiny that comes with being First Lady to what it’s like to raise kids in the White House,’ Obama recalled.
Michelle Obama started out her Instagram post by recalling how she had felt four years ago when the candidate she had actively campaigned for – Democrat Hillary Clinton – had lost to Trump.
The former first lady pointed out that Clinton lost ‘by a far closer margin than the one we’ve seen this year.’
Biden flipped back the so-called ‘blue wall’ of swing states, while likely capturing Georgia and Arizona.
‘I was hurt and disappointed – but the votes had been counted and Donald Trump had won,’ she went on. ‘The American people had spoken. And one of the great responsibilities of the presidency is to listen when they do.’
Clinton called Trump to concede in the early a.m. hours of Wednesday and gave a speech once the sun came up.
‘So my husband and I instructed our staffs to do what George and Laura Bush had done for us: run a respectful, seamless transition of power – one of the hallmarks of American democracy,’ Obama recalled. ‘We invited the folks from the president-elect’s team into our offices and prepared detailed memos for them, offering what we’d learned over the past eight years.’
Since a week ago Saturday, when the election was called for President-elect Joe Biden, Trump had continued to peddle theories about mass voter fraud, but hasn’t provided evidence to match.
Trump’s General Services Administration hasn’t green-lit the process to start the transition.
‘This isn’t a game,’ Obama said.
‘So I want to urge all Americans, especially our nation’s leaders, regardless of party, to honor the electoral process and do your part to encourage a smooth transition of power, just as sitting presidents have done throughout our history,’ she urged.