Home Health How to Find the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Turkey?

How to Find the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Turkey?

Having spent so much on continuous treatment with poor results, there has been significant growth in the number of people looking for a “one-stop” solution for their hair loss. Many of them want a solution that wouldn’t require the need to have continuous treatment or maintenance. As hair transplant has proven to be that solution, it’s become one of the most chosen hairs restoration treatments.

It offers realistic results that give people their most desired appearance. However, this is only possible if the right professionals do it. So if you’re hoping to have a hair transplant, you must commit it to the right people who are skilled and experienced in performing the procedure.

If you’re in Turkey or going there for your hair transplant surgery, and you’re looking for ways to find the best clinic that offers gold standard hair transplants, this is the place you’ll find out. This article will examine what you should expect for hair transplants in Turkey, and it’ll suggest effective ways to find the perfect clinic.

Hair Transplant in Turkey

If you ask anyone where the best place to have a hair transplant is all over the world, the chances are high that the person will tell you to go to Turkey. This is because the country has invested so much in healthcare and cosmetic surgery, which has yielded a great reputation in this area. As a result, the country has established itself as a base for medical tourists looking for hair restoration treatments from all over the world.

The implication is that it’s also the base of some of the world-leading hair transplant surgeons who understand the demands of every procedure and consistently put it to practice. As a result, these surgeons offer the best services in terms of patients’ care and the performance of every hair transplant operation. The majority of them are locally and internationally certified, and they travel far and wide to learn more and practice hair transplants.

With the number of people the country attracts regarding hair transplants, most clinics are built to meet world-class standards. Therefore, every medical tourist combines their treatments with relaxation, and they refer many more people to visit this same destination. Additionally, these clinics are furnished with the right tools that significantly contribute to the success of every procedure.

So if you’re choosing Turkey for your hair transplant destination, you should expect all of this. Another thing you should expect is that not all clinics posing to be good are genuinely good. So it’s important to distinguish between those that offer excellent services from those that don’t.

How to Find the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Turkey

Finding a hair transplant clinic in Turkey is as easy as finding a bus. There are over 500 hair transplant clinics in Istanbul alone and many more in other places like Ankara, Izmir, Burza, and many more. However, what’s not so easy to find is an excellent hair transplant clinic. Follow these tips to identify one for you:

1. Conduct a Proper Research

While this may be surprising, it’s the first major step to discovering an excellent hair transplant clinic. The research must entail the top ten hair transplant clinics in the country, the most effective procedure, and the cost of hair transplants in each of the clinics. Then, when you have a shortlist, you can compare and contrast the services they offer before choosing one.

2. The Surgeon Must be Certified

When you eventually choose one clinic, you must find out about the surgeon. The qualifications of every top clinic’s surgeon must be on their website. Additionally, you must be sure the surgeon works for the clinic and isn’t outsourced. When you do these, you’ll be prepared for the consultation with the surgeon.

3. The Clinic Must Offer Free Consultation

The clinic you choose must offer a free consultation. Avoid clinics that don’t because that indicates they are more about profit than prepping patients for the procedure they want to have. CapilClinic offers an honest and professional consultation to all patients without any charges. This consultation can either be virtual or physical.

4. The Clinic Should Offer Multiple Procedures

One of the most important things about hair transplant is that it resolves varieties of hair loss conditions. But despite this, every hair loss condition requires a different technique. So to select a clinic, you must choose one that offers at least two different procedures. While this is not to say there aren’t exceptional clinics that offer one procedure, selecting a clinic that offers two or more shows how skilled the surgeons within the clinic are.

5. Before and After Media

A highly-rated clinic should show the before and after of all operations they’ve performed. This would give you an idea about their capabilities and the quality of their services. It would also help you to create an expectation when you see a case that’s similar to yours. A clinic that has experienced and skillful surgeons would even have you express your expectations so they can tailor the treatments to meet or exceed them. It’s a routine at CapilClinic before the operation commences.

6. Pre-op and Post-op Care

While many clinics only have a consultation to discuss treatment plans, a good clinic offers patients pre-operative care that involves a careful diagnosis of the nature of every patient’s hair loss, after which they’ll offer treatment. CapilClinic shows patients the outcome to expect, which is designed per the patients’ description. On the other hand, the clinic should also offer post-operative care aimed at monitoring the state of the surgery and the gradual growth of hair in the transplanted area.

7. Procedural Review

You should also confirm if the clinic you’ll be choosing performs a procedural review; for instance, some grafts implanted aren’t growing as expected or aren’t growing at all. The best clinics may not need this, but they use it as quality assurance, so you should be sure your chosen clinic offers it.


If you follow these suggestions meticulously, you’ll find an excellent clinic offering hair transplant surgery. Then, as much as we recommend CapilClinic, you can evaluate them by each metric to see if they appeal to you. Good luck!