Home Health 8 Helpful Tips for Coping and Recovering from Slip and Fall Incidents

8 Helpful Tips for Coping and Recovering from Slip and Fall Incidents

U.S. statistics show that slip and fall accidents rank high among all event categories. However, serious harm may come from them. According to statistics, 12% of all visits to emergency rooms include slip and fall accidents. If someone else’s carelessness caused this to happen, you can be eligible for compensation. Nevertheless, you must adhere to some crucial protocols after the incident if you want to successfully cope and recover from this event.

Get medical attention

Call 911 immediately following an accident. When an emergency arises, the paramedics are prepared to deal with it. Make an appointment with the doctor right away, even if you feel like you don’t have to. Always keep in mind that not all wounds are immediately obvious, so make sure a doctor checks for any signs of serious injuries that need to be treated. Medical records and testing can also be important pieces of evidence once your case goes to trial.

Seek legal help

After a slip and fall accident, establishing liability could be a difficult task. You will need to prove that the premises were hazardous, that the owner should have known about the danger, that they could have posted a warning, that you were injured because of it, etc. Both expertise and experience are necessary for these tasks, which are far from simple. Additionally, you will most likely have to cope with the aftermath of your injury, which includes things like medical bills, recovery, and more. Just because this is your first lawsuit doesn’t mean your attorney hasn’t handled similar cases before. As the folks at Gibbs & Crivelli, Slingshot law firm explain, slip and fall accidents shouldn’t be taken lightly, and they can happen to anyone, regardless of age. You can increase the strength of your claim and the amount you might potentially receive by seeking the help of an experienced attorney as soon as possible. They have experience in these cases and will guide you through the process, no matter how challenging or confusing it may seem.

Take photos and inspect the scene of the accident

You need to prove that the property owner was careless and that their carelessness was a contributing factor to your injuries if you want to maximize your trip and fall damage. Determine the exact source of your fall and any other contributing elements by surveying the area. Does the floor have bumps or dangling wires? Does it not light up well enough? Is there a display that is in an awkward spot where people are likely to trip over it? Did the floor have any water on it? Did the retailer allow in too many people for the event?

If you can, snap pictures of the area to prove the dangers exist before the owner can address them. Sending a family member or friend to capture images for you is a good idea if you are seriously hurt and cannot do that yourself. Even though evidence of the danger will likely have been cleaned up, you may return to the area after receiving medical care if no one else can do this for you. You should continue to pursue your claim, even if you may have overlooked some evidence that might be useful.

Stick to your doctor’s advice

Seeing a doctor only once after a slip and fall incident is insufficient. Following your doctor’s evaluation and prescribed treatment plan religiously is of the utmost importance. If you want to get well faster, it’s in your best interest to stick to your treatment plan. Your personal injury lawsuit will also benefit from this. You should do everything you can to keep your injuries from becoming worse so that you may reduce the extent of your damages. The owner of the property may raise an objection against you for failing to mitigate damages if you deviate from your treatment plan and then incur further expenses. 

Avoid discussing your case

Do your best to resist the need to discuss the accident. You can expect to hear from insurance adjusters soon after. But remember that they have no interest in making sure you are fine. Instead, they are trying to get you to admit blame or settle for less than your claim is worth, both of which can benefit the other side who is at fault. That is why you should never tell anybody about this unless they are medical professionals or lawyers. Also, refrain from providing recorded remarks to the insurance companies. This is the task of your injury attorney, so leave it to the experts.

Let your body rest

Because your body uses a lot of energy to heal itself after an injury, getting enough sleep and rest will speed up the healing process. Resist the urge to go back to your regular activities too soon, especially if they involve physical activity, as your body has just gone through a trauma and needs a bit of rest. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should be completely inactive, as getting up and moving about your home can actually be okay. Your doctor will recommend the safest activities for you, so listen to them. 

Eat healthily

The food you consume greatly affects your body’s capacity to recover. When you are hurt, your body sends white blood cells to the injury site to keep it safe, prevent infection, and manage the healing process. This process can be slowed down if you don’t eat the right food, since your body will be too busy fighting off inflammation elsewhere. So, help your body heal from injuries by eating nutritious, protein-rich food. 

Manage your symptoms

The injuries you have sustained and their intensity all determine the range of symptoms that can accompany a slip-and-fall event. However, a pain expert can suggest strategies and treatments that can alleviate your discomfort while you heal. Common pain relievers include medications, but a doctor may also suggest hot and cold therapies, baths, massages, or even acupuncture. 

Accidents happen, no matter your age or health. Many things can affect the extent of a slip and fall injury. However, one thing is for sure, and that is that your reaction to the event will determine how well you heal. So, follow the tips we have outlined here and stay safe.