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Oscar 2024: Jimmy Kimmel is criticized by Trump over his performance at the ceremony and responds live

Jimmy Kimmel, responsible for presenting the Oscars on Sunday night (10), responded to a criticism made by former US President Donald Trump at the end of the live ceremony. Trump stated on the social network Truth that they should replace Kimmel.

“Isn’t it past your prison time?” replied the presenter, at the event, upon reading Trump’s post.

In the post made by the former president on Sunday night, Trump says:

“There has ever been a worse host than Jimmy Kimmel at the Oscars. His opening was that of a below-average person trying too hard to be something he is not, and can never be. Get rid of Kimmel and maybe replace him with someone else.” ABC talent George Slopanopoulos, failed but cheap”. 

“He would make everyone on stage look bigger, stronger and more glamorous. Also a very bad politically correct show tonight, and for years – Disjointed, boring and very unfair. By that they just don’t give Oscars to those who deserve them. Maybe then TV ratings and ratings will come back from the depths. Make America great again!”

“I’m very proud of something. I wanted to know if I could share it with you. I just received a review and…”, said the presenter, from the stage, with his cell phone in his hands as he read the message:

“Has there ever been a worse host than Jimmy Kimmel at the Oscars? His opening was that of a subpar person, trying too hard to be something he is not and can never be. Get rid of Kimmel and maybe replace him with another loser , but cheap, ABC “talent” George Slopanopoulos. He would make everyone on stage look bigger, stronger and more glamorous. Blah, blah, blah. Make America great again,” the host read.

“See if you can guess which former president just posted this on Truth? Anyone? No? I’ll thank you, President [Donald] Trump. Thanks for watching. I’m surprised you’re still… You’re not past your time in prison?” Kimmel responded.

It’s worth remembering that this was Kimmel’s fourth time hosting the Oscar ceremony. At first, due to discomfort caused by Jo Koy’s performance at the Golden Globes in January, the presenter showed an insecure tone and struggled to connect most of the jokes in his opening monologue.