Home News Trump could be discharge from hospital TOMORROW as doctor praises recovery

Trump could be discharge from hospital TOMORROW as doctor praises recovery

Trump released a video with him working from the Presidential Suite at Walter Reed Saturday where he said he will ‘be back soon’ (Photo: Release)

The president’s doctors said Sunday that he could be discharged from Walter Reed as early as Monday as Trump’s top physician detailed he was given a steroid and put on oxygen as a treatment for COVID-19.

‘Our plan for today is to have him to eat and drink, be up out of bed as much as possible, to be mobile,’ Dr. Brian Garibaldi, one of the doctor’s on Trump’s team, said. ‘And if he continues to look and feel as well as he does today, our hope is that we can plan for a discharge as early as tomorrow to the White House where he can continue his treatment course.’

The president’s top doctor, Navy Commander Sean Conley, deflected blame during the briefing, claiming there was some confusion over Trump’s condition because Chief of Staff Mark Meadow’s comments were misrepresented.

‘The Chief and I work side-by-side,’ Conley said of Meadows. ‘And I think his statement was misconstrued.’

‘What he meant was that 24 hours ago, when he and I were checking on the president, that there was that momentary episode of a high fever. And that temporary drop in the saturation, which prompted us to act expediently to move him up here,’ he said of the president’s swift movement from the White House to Walter Reed on Friday.

‘Fortunately that was a very transient, limited episode,’ he continued in a briefing with some press outside the hospital center. ‘A couple hours later he was back up, mild again. I’m not going to speculate what that limited episode was about so early in the course. But he’s doing well.

Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence both tested negative for coronavirus on Sunday, paving the way for the vice president to take power should the president become incapacitated.